“Hamas negotiation lesson for Zarif’s (JCPOA negotiating) team”


“Kayhan,” the mouthpiece of Leader Khamenei, continues his venomous criticism of the former foreign minister Zarif and the negotiating team that signed the nuclear deal (JCPOA). Kayhan” published an article titled “Hamas negotiation lesson for Mr. Zarif’s team,” comparing Hamas’s implementation of the ceasefire agreement with Israel to the approach taken by Iran’s nuclear negotiation team, led by former Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif, during the JCPOA talks.

The newspaper cited reports from the “Alf” website about the delay by Hamas in exchanging hostages with Israel, attributing it to Israel’s violation of the agreement. “Kayhan” argues that Hamas’s approach highlights their understanding of negotiation and confrontation. They believe in verifying each step of an agreement’s implementation before proceeding, contrasting this with the Iranian team’s approach during the JCPOA negotiations.

“Kayhan” criticizes the Iranian negotiation team for taking unilateral steps and being overly optimistic without adequately assessing the actions of Western parties. They argue that Iran implemented all JCPOA provisions and even voluntarily adhered to the additional protocol without ensuring reciprocal measures from the West. This approach, according to “Kayhan,” led to a disadvantageous position for Iran, as the West maintained sanctions and limited economic interactions.

The article reflects on the deterioration of the nuclear infrastructure and the lack of leverage for Iran’s negotiation team. “Kayhan” condemns the moderate government’s (Rohani’s government) efforts to sign an agreement at any cost, viewing it as a pursuit of political power rather than national interest. The newspaper suggests that this approach stemmed from a belief in the necessity of aligning with Western hegemony for prosperity, ultimately leading to a damaging agreement that continues to affect the country.

“Kayhan” concludes by stating that time has shown the Iranian negotiators, who were once praised by media as “Sardar Diplomasi” and “Amir Kabir Zaman,” lacked essential negotiation skills, causing significant harm to Iran’s nuclear industry and economy. The article suggests that despite this, these negotiators still defend their approach, highlighting what “Kayhan” sees as the JCPOA’s painful and instructive legacy.

​Iran Dossier Comparing Hamas’s ceasefire agreement with Israel to former Iran’s nuclear negotiation team approach. 

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